An attraction happening when someone has strong feelings and emotions, either towards the subject of attraction or in general, causing the attraction.
just a queer sexuality where the only way you can describe your attraction is that youre attracted to anyone or no one anytime you want.
An attraction, physical sensual sexual romantic platonic or other, caused by feelings of envy, either towards the subject of the attraction or not.
An attraction, physical sensual sexual romantic platonic or other, caused by feelings of hate or hatred, either towards the subject of the attraction or not.
An attraction, physical sensual sexual romantic platonic or other, caused by feelings of spite, either towards the subject of the attraction or not.
An attraction, physical sensual sexual romantic platonic or other, caused by feelings of disgust, either towards the subject of the attraction or not.
Not coined by me, just the flag is made by me.
Infohazard means something that harms or endangers you by the simple fact of knowing it, and conceptum is the attraction towards concepts, both terms are not coined by me. Therefore, Infohazard Conceptum means to be attracted to anything that can harm you by the basis of knowing it.
A term for those who advocate or support harm and evilness in general. it doesnt mean that they themselves decide to do harm, it might be because they lack empathy or are apathetic to certain issues. thoughts dont equal actions and a malumian isnt more likely to cause harm than someone that doesnt identify as such.
A term for those who actively participate in harm or evilness in general, either consensually or nonconsensually.
Graysatanism has been coined by Fang, the flag has been made by me. the following text is directly copypasted by Fang's coining post.
Graysatanism is intended as a sister term to xenosatanism, and focuses on spiritual ideas about balance as well as (in the therapeutic sense) radical acceptance.
Balance: Good and bad, as well as neutral, play an important part in the balance of the multiverse/universe/society. Graysatanism does not believe society (or the universe/multiverse) are intended to be or should become entirely "good" or "bad." Its goal is to maintain and respect the balance.
Radical Acceptance: In a therapeutic context, radical acceptance refers to accepting and letting go of what you cannot change, rather than frustrating yourself with feelings of helplessness and lack of control.
Morality: Morality is a social construct, meaning our ideas of good and bad are not factual, they are subjective. The different ideas we have of morality also play a part in the balance.
What Graysatanism is neutral to, it also values as a part of the balance, regardless of personal feelings. Graysatanism is neutral to other blankqueer stances, stances and politics overall.
Overall, the term Graysatanism itself is neutral, however this means Graysatanists can have differing views, and does not mean Graysatanists are neutral to everything on a personal level.
Graysatanism was coined with Witches, Satanists, Luciferians, those with problematic or outcasted spiritual beliefs in mind. Again, it was also coined as a sister term to Xenosatanism. If you are against the before mentioned, I as the coiner suggest you find another term to use.
When you feel like you should be pretending to be a victim.
When you feel like you are pretending to be a victim.